Press Releases

[mUd] Greenlit on Steam!

The multidimensional Underwear Drawer is greenlit on Steam after one month! Because of that we want thank all our supporters, which believed in us! In this case mUd can be purchased via BirchTreeGames Leaf Launcher and Steam at July 2016. You want to pre-order the game? Visit our IndieGoGo campaign and get the game at a preferential price. Thank you… Read more →

KamiyaSoft at DoKomi 2016!

KamiyaSoft will be at DoKomi 2016 in Düsseldorf, Gemany, with a own booth. DoKomi is a anime & manga convention from 30th April 2016 to 1st May 2016. We’re at the fan project corner, our booth number ist FP20. What can you expect at our booth? mUd paper chase (each participant gains a small gift) Test the mUd prologue! Introduction… Read more →

[mUf] Beta testers wanted!

Hello! We’re searching for beta testers for the prologue of our visual novel mUf – The multidimensional panty drawer! The beta phase will run from mid-November to mid-December. The application dead line ends at 15th November 2015. Prior knowledge about visual novels isn’t necessary, just have fun! 😉 The beta phase will last 30 days. You can make your beta… Read more →